Monday, March 21, 2016

Weekly update Week 10

    This past week and seeking coming has/is extremely busy for me in the Development department. The Art Department has asked that awards be "done" by the end of the week, or at least next Tuesday, so that all the logo integrated stuff can be finalized, and I couldn't be more grateful for Adrienne's support right now. She and I have been pulling out all the stops trying to secure the last 3 award categories, Scholarship and Audience choices, and we have had so many 1-1 meetings it's practically become a normal part of life. Unfortunately, we are both hitting dead ends and have had a hard time getting answers from the countless emails and phone calls we have sent out. I have even faced my fear of approaching strangers and have asked shops in person for donations, but I'm still waiting on their responses. We have about 5 -10 more places to ask before Friday, and she has told me to send out follow up emails everyday until the last 3 online contacts answer. If all else fails, I have created a budget proposal to purchase the remaining awards and will be presenting it on Tuesday.
    Although the rest of the awards have be found, I still have work to do with them. Tonight, I am sending each sponsor an email to thank them again for their support, confirm how the certificates can be redeemed, and send them links to our updated sponsors page. For some companies, they were unable to send me certificates and asked if I would create them, and have been working on that on the side. I still have every confidence that awards will be on point and we can pull it together in the time we have left, but April 15 is getting soo close! I am super excited to be putting the bags together though - finally, a tangible job! I have been to the dollar store and taken pictures of bag options and frames, so I'm all set to get the show on the road! 

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