Monday, March 28, 2016

Weekly Update Week 11

18 more days 'til Visions6!
     Wow, time is flying by. Seems like just a week ago it was January and we had all the time in the world. This past week, I presented an Awards Update that detailed our new sponsor, Digieffects,  as well as my ideas for the use of the "awards budget." Unfortunately, my manual did not actually explain how the budget works, and we had quite a few kinks to work out before Adrienne and I got any money to play with. This set us back  quite a bit, and I will be sure to be very clear in my manual update that the next awards coordinator should ask for at least $50 cash to make up the award baskets so they are not paying it out of pocket. Although no one remembers what the past award baskets look like, I am confident that the silver bags and tissue paper will be sufficient as well as harmonious to the space theme. Everything is currently sitting in my room waiting to be presented, and all the award certificates have been collected and are ready to print on nice paper. I have even finished making up 3 award certificates for two companies that were unable to present one of their own. All sponsors have confirmed their donation as well as how to redeem the offer if not obvious, and are happy with the updates I send once a week.
     Although all award categories have items, Adrienne and I are still hard at work and continuously email, call and visit potential sponsors. At this time I am still awaiting responses from 4 companies, and will be sending out another wave of follow ups on Wednesday. This week Adrienne and I will have another 1 on 1 meeting to keep up with where we are at as well as go out together to visit some more companies. Once the 4 companies answer me by the end of the week, Adrienne and I will go ahead and purchase whatever we need, from frames to smaller awards for Audience Choice, so they arrive in time.
    I have also recently updated the contact list for next year's coordinator, making sure all the contact info is there as well as color coordinating it, so I'm not rushing to fix it at the end of the semester.

     In the art department world, I have been assigned the Spring Bake Sale flyers and have already come up with my first draft, which is currently in my folder awaiting inspection. The poster follows Michelle's color palette and art deco theme, but I still incorporated my signature stary night sky.

Everything is going fine and I am happy with where everyone in my department is at with their responsibilities. Visions6 is going to be great!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Weekly update Week 10

    This past week and seeking coming has/is extremely busy for me in the Development department. The Art Department has asked that awards be "done" by the end of the week, or at least next Tuesday, so that all the logo integrated stuff can be finalized, and I couldn't be more grateful for Adrienne's support right now. She and I have been pulling out all the stops trying to secure the last 3 award categories, Scholarship and Audience choices, and we have had so many 1-1 meetings it's practically become a normal part of life. Unfortunately, we are both hitting dead ends and have had a hard time getting answers from the countless emails and phone calls we have sent out. I have even faced my fear of approaching strangers and have asked shops in person for donations, but I'm still waiting on their responses. We have about 5 -10 more places to ask before Friday, and she has told me to send out follow up emails everyday until the last 3 online contacts answer. If all else fails, I have created a budget proposal to purchase the remaining awards and will be presenting it on Tuesday.
    Although the rest of the awards have be found, I still have work to do with them. Tonight, I am sending each sponsor an email to thank them again for their support, confirm how the certificates can be redeemed, and send them links to our updated sponsors page. For some companies, they were unable to send me certificates and asked if I would create them, and have been working on that on the side. I still have every confidence that awards will be on point and we can pull it together in the time we have left, but April 15 is getting soo close! I am super excited to be putting the bags together though - finally, a tangible job! I have been to the dollar store and taken pictures of bag options and frames, so I'm all set to get the show on the road! 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Weekly Update Week 9

This first part isn't a true update, but I needed to say something somewhere and I figured this would be a nice place to do it.

My mom just reminded me (and I COMPLETELY did not remember this), but I got into UNCW despite missing the deadline (and being out of state). What does this have to do with anything? Because, precious readers (or just Beth - hi Beth!) when you ask for something, you shall receive. As  an awards coordinator, something I've been having to do is literally ask people for things. Actually, that's about all I do. At first, it was uncomfortable. How could I ask strangers to give me free stuff? What if they said no? What if they said no and held secret meetings about how stupid they think I am? What if they said no and held secret meetings about how stupid they think I am AND sent me a scathing message that scarred me for life? The fear was stifling.

But the point is, good things come out of asking, even if the answer isn't the one you were hoping for. I sent out more emails this past week, and one so far came back with honestly just the words "yes of course!" Does it get much better than that?

I have always been a scaredy cat, too afraid of the word 'no' to ask for toys, my turn, or a raise, but working for Visions has helped that a lot. Who knows - maybe I'll be able to answer a phone call or talk to strangers without a weird high pitch child's voice by the end of the semester.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Weekly Check In 8

Time is counting down until April 15th! This past week I presented an update about Awards. The (Futurama - inspired) presentation detailed all of our current sponsors and their donation amount, and has links to all my spreadsheets with all the nitty gritty facts. The presentation also included the award winners' names and what they may be receiving, but it will be a work in progress up until the final night. This week, also a super busy Spring Break, will include more emails, submitting an art request, scouting out places to ask in Wilmington. My development department has been a great help with figuring out who to go visit, and I plan to hit 5 places in the next two weeks. Although I have not had luck inn the last two weeks with receiving new awards, the sponsors we have enjoy receiving updates on the festival so I send them that once a week.

In the art department world, I have submitted my design for the bookmarks and am now onto making a flyer for Visions volunteers. The flyer is going to colorful and "exciting," and I think I want to incorporate Gizmo or an Astronaut into it.

That's all for now - may the countdown continue!