Saturday, February 6, 2016

Weekly Check In Week 4

So much to do this week! Where to begin? Although we did not have a Development Meeting this week, since our fearless leader was away, I think we all in the Dev. Dept. have been flooded with stuff to do, with the Valentine's day Bake Sale and Party being this week coming up. This past week I have sent out 22 emails/forms and heard back from FOUR companies so far, and have been in correspondence with them all week. I am still searching for more potential sponsors and spend a lot of time updating my excel sheet with every bit of information I can on the Awards.  I have also made up the 4 Ups for the party, which is something I had never done before. Adding to that has been grading the films and papers, as well as trying to get together Beth's resume project stuff, and of course, all the other homework for my other classes. Busy, busy, busy! 

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