Saturday, January 23, 2016

Dirty Dozen: Awards

1. What is the project supposed to achieve?
            I am in charge of locating prizes and awards for the 9 categories in the V6 Film Festival and Conference. My awards should also serve as a good connection between Visions and popular, or at least successful, companies that can last for the foreseeable future.

2. Who is the customer?
          The costumer, I suppose, would be the winners of the awards.

3. What are the deliverables of the project?
          The physical awards donated by the companies contacted

4. What is the budget?
            There is no budget. The awards are strictly donations.

5. How long will it take?
            As long as it takes for companies to break their wills and answer my persistent emails. Should be a work in progress up until April.

6. What specific skills are needed?
            A confidence in emailing and possibly conversation, and a well stocked vocabulary.

7. What special resources are needed?
            A working email, well researched contacts as well as a way to receive the donations.

8. Who is working the project? What is each person's job?
            Awards are handled solely by myself, but will be shipped to UNCW and then handled by Shannon. My job is to research potential companies and ideal items, locate email addresses and send out requests for award donations.   

9. What is the schedule?
            By the end of January, I would like to have an idea of what awards I would like to receive as well as have a working list of contacts. Within the first two weeks of February I believe emails should be sent out to all contacts, with more emails being sent out through the month in case of new companies/contacts. February and March should involve conversations between myself and companies, with awards hopefully arriving by Mid-to-Late March and early April.

10. What are the risks? (Small vs. large impact, likely vs. unlikely)
            The biggest risks are that 1) there is not enough time for companies to answer their emails, or send out their donations before April 15th 2) no companies that I contact wish to donate, or the contacts that do answer are considered “lowly” and ruin Visions’ reputation. It is very likely that many companies do not wish to give away hundreds of dollars of supplies and I am extremely concerned over that. I suppose it is unlikely that any companies would be “bad press” for our festival. Another risk is that we lose connection between Visions and previous donors due to annoyance at being asked to donate every year.

11. How will you communicate with your team?
           My Development team and I typically communicate through weekly meetings and emails. Since I do not have an assistant or teammate per say, there is not much of an issue of communication.

12. How will you determine if the project is successful?
                  I feel as though I judge my success in this area through my classmates’ approval, over whether or not they agree the donations are satisfactory or not. As long as every victor has some award, and are happy with their award, I will feel as though my project was successful.

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